Monday, 16 January 2012

Musings From A Bored Guy

I'm currently sat on the couch watching 'Lucky Number Slevin' with a very shirtless Josh Hartnett and was suddenly reminded how much I love this film (not just the first 15 minutes ;). Some might say its a convoluted story that takes a long time to get nowhere and is, well, convoluted just for the sake of trying to make it different. To stand out from the usual revenge fair. I agree. But who cares!? It's a fun movie.

There's a song Joni Mitchell sang called 'Both Sides'. It's sublime and just awe inspiring. Spare 6 minutes of your life, will ya?

As you can tell there is post is not about anything in particular. I'm just bored and lamenting the waste of the three days off work I just had. I did nothing. Literally nothing. Finished work on Friday, stayed in. Woke up Saturday morning, stayed in...all day. Woke up Sunday, went to my parents for lunch then came home. And stayed in. Woke up Monday morning, stayed in. Now, I didn't stare at the wall or anything. I played some PS3, did a little time wasting on the internet, I mean, I did stuff, just nothing productive. Which, as is typical for me, I regret when its too late to do anything about it. I could have taken Larry (my puppy in my profile pic. He's actually just over a year now) for a walk and do some training with him. I could have charged my camera and tried to 'develop' (see what I did there?) a skill I'd love to have. I could have done something creative. Instead, I've spent three days doing things other, more creative people have accomplished. Good going me.

I could go on a 'life is too short' rant or 'youth is wasted on the young' (I think 26 is still considered young these days...but not by much...). I'm starting to get an overwhelming sense of life not being lived to the full. Of a live just passing me by. Don't get me wrong, I love my love and everyone in it but it just feels like something is missing. I'm not quite sure what. 

Anyway, I better go. Slevin is about to exact his revenge!