Sunday, 17 March 2013

We Take Care Of Our Own

Ok, so the title of this blog is a Springsteen song. The reason for that title is because that's what I was listening to when I started to write this (hey, it easily could have been 'Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town!)

It's been a while since my last blog that no one reads, so thought I'd write something inconsequential (I've noticed I always say 'type' when writing something on a computer. Could it be that because I associate 'writing' with something much deeper and meaningful and using a computer to put those thoughts down somehow dehumanises the very feelings we're trying to convey? Should 'writing' only be done with pen and paper?)

I fear this will be another blog that literally contains nothing but ramblings. This is something I don't really care about either. I suppose the purpose of this blog is to give ME the chance to 'write' what I'm thinking and not to care what anyone else thinks about it or me. Yeah, take that Milligan! (Milligan? Who's that guy?)

Shit, I just took a look at my '25 Most Played' playlist on iTunes (which, of course, has to be put in most listened to order...obviously) I'm shocked (but not really) at some of the contents of this list. What has happened to me? I was a pure rock/indie guy and I don't want to talk about it anymore!

Things are going pretttty prettttty prettttty pretttttty good in my life at the moment. Even my job that I don't care for has somehow gotten a little more enjoyable. Don't know why....maybe because I see a light at the end of the tunnel?

I have a dentist appointment on Monday morning. I go every 6 months now (at one stage I hadn't been in over 10 years....after my first visit the dentist said 'all's good' and I should come back in 6 months. Seriously, 10 years without regular check ups and now I go every 6 months AND have to pay £18 for the privilege! It's like I'm paying this guy to finger my mouth and tell me it was good.

The best part of 'Video Games' by Lana Del Ray? That bass thump thing in the background (I'm not  a musician so don't know what it's called. Can anyone tell me?). It really makes the song in my opinion.

Anyway, I'm outta here. Keep well everybody!